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As the picture above shows, most people are sabotaging their success by their poor attitude, before their day even starts. I'm excited when I wake up because I realize every day 153,000 people on earth don't wake up.

I’m walking on the top side of the grass, not buried under it.

I spend the first 10 minutes of my day reading nothing but motivational or personal development quotes. I don’t listen to voicemail, or check emails, texts, LinkedIn or Facebook. First … I get my mind “RIGHT” for the day.

Zig Ziglar explained it best when he said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” Things turn out best for the people who make the most of the way things turn out.

Be happy – you are on the TOP SIDE OF THE GRASS!
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Seeking Excellence Inc.
Tel: (727) 789-2727 Cell: (727) 421-7622

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